Coldwater Fish Habitat Enhancement , Phase 4

Project Details by Fiscal Year
2013 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
Outdoor Heritage Fund
MN Trout Unlimited
Recipient Type
Non-Profit Business/Entity
Start Date
July 2012
End Date
June 2016
Activity Type
Counties Affected
Project Overview

Minnesota Trout Unlimited enhanced in-stream and riparian fish and wildlife habitat in and along coldwater streams and lakes located on public lands and Aquatic Management Areas.  We originally proposed 11 projects, yet completed 13 projects. Contracting efficiencies and leveraging of other funding allowed us to add three more habitat enhancement projects in northeast Minnesota and to lengthen others.  One small budget project was dropped when a partner changed the scope from 144 acres to less than 15 and proposed costs outweighed the potential benefit. Despite dropping that project we finished with 89% of the proposed acres being achieved (347 acres completed versus 388 acres proposed).

Project Details

The projects completed with Fy2013 funding used methods similar to those used on projects completed by MNTU chapters in the past several years and also incorporated new research to improve project designs and fish and wildlife benefits.
The specific fish habitat enhancement methods used on each stream varied depending upon the distinct natural resource characteristics of each watershed and ecological region, the limiting factors identified for each stream, and the variations in the type and magnitude of poor land uses practices within each watershed. MNTU tailored each project accordingly, using the best available science, in close consultation with resource professionals within the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (“MNDNR”).
Purposes: Each project was designed and completed using techniques selected to accomplish one or more of the following purposes: (a) reduce stream bank erosion and associated sedimentation downstream; (b) reconnect streams to their floodplains to reduce negative resource impacts from severe flooding; (c) increase natural reproduction of trout and other aquatic organisms; (d) maintain or increase adult trout abundance; (e) increase habitat and biodiversity for both invertebrates and other non-game species; (f) be long lasting with minimal maintenance required; (g) improve angler access and participation; (h) improve lake productivity for trout species; and (i) protect productive trout waters from undesirable invasive species.
Habitat enhancement methods: Methods used on each project included one or more of the following techniques: (1) sloping back stream banks to both remove accumulated sediments eroded from uplands areas and better reconnect the stream to its floodplain; (2) removing undesirable woody vegetation (invasive box elder, buckthorn, etc.) from riparian corridors to enable removal of accumulated sediments, reduce competition with desirable plant and grass species, and allow beneficial energy inputs (sunlight) to reach the streams; (3) stabilizing eroding stream banks using vegetation and/or rock; (4) selectively installing overhead and other in-stream cover for trout; (5) installing soil erosion prevention measures; (6) mulching and seeding exposed stream banks (including with native prairie plant species where appropriate and feasible); (7) improving or maintaining stream access roads and stream crossings to reduce erosion; (8) fencing grassy riparian corridors, including in such a way as to facilitate managed grazing, in order to prevent damage from over grazing; (9) placing large logs in northern forested streams to restore cover logs removed a half century or more ago; and (10) in northern forested watersheds with little cold groundwater, planting desirable trees in riparian areas to provide shade for the stream channel and help cool the water.
Agricultural area example: Many streams in the agricultural areas of southern and central Minnesota have been negatively impacted by many decades of poor land management practices. The projects in southeast Minnesota used the following approach to address this:
Erosion has led to wider, shallower and warmer streams, as well as excessive streamside sediments which regularly erode, covering food production and trout reproduction areas. In many cases shallow rooted invasive trees have taken over the riparian corridors, out competing native vegetation which better secures soils, and reducing energy inputs to the stream ecosystem. To remedy this, a typical enhancement project will involve several steps. First, invasive trees are removed from the riparian zone and steep, eroding banks are graded by machinery to remove excess sediments deposited here from upland areas. Importantly, this reconnects the stream to its floodplain. Since many of these agricultural watersheds still experience periodic severe flooding, select portions of the stream banks are then reinforced with indigenous rock. In lower gradient watersheds, or watersheds where flows are more stable, little or no rock is used. After enhancement work is completed the streams flow faster and become deeper, keeping them cooler and providing natural overhead cover through depth and the scouring of sediments deposited by decades of erosion.
Second, overhead cover habitat is created. Bank degradation and the removal of native prairie have dramatically decreased protective overhead cover in the riparian zone. Two methods are used to remedy this situation: increasing the stream’s depth, which alone provides natural cover to trout, and installing overhead cover structures in select stream banks. Wooden structures are often installed into banks in hydraulically suitable locations and reinforced with rock as a way to restore or recreate the undercut banks which had existed before settlement and agricultural land use altered the more stable flows which had gradually created and maintained them.
Finally, vegetation is reestablished in the re-graded riparian corridor to further stabilize banks and act as buffer strips to improve water quality. Depending upon the specific site conditions, landowner cooperation, and agricultural use, native prairie grasses may be planted along the stream corridors, although often mixed with fast sprouting annual grains to anchor soils the first year.
Taken together, these actions directly enhance physical habitat, and typically increase overall trout abundance, population structure, the number of larger trout, and levels of successful natural reproduction. In addition to the benefits to anglers of increased trout habitat and trout abundance, project benefits extending well downstream include reduced erosion and sedimentation, cooler water temperatures, improved water quality and numerous benefits to aquatic and terrestrial wildlife populations.

Legal Citation / Subdivision
ML 2012, Ch. 264, Art. 1, Sec. 2, Subd. 5(e)
Appropriation Language

$2,120,000 in the second year is to the commissioner of natural resources for an agreement with Minnesota Trout Unlimited to restore and enhance coldwater fish lake, river, and stream habitats in Minnesota. A list of proposed restorations and enhancements must be provided as part of the required accomplishment plan.

2013 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Other Funds Leveraged
Direct expenses
Administration costs
Number of full time equivalents funded
Measurable Outcome(s)

Enhanced 347 acres of habitats

Source of Additional Funds


Project Manager
First Name
Last Name
Organization Name
Minnesota Trout Unlimited
Street Address
P.O. Box 845
Zip Code
(612) 670-1629
Administered By
Administered by

500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

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